Day 5 was a rest day
Day 6 Legs
Squats 3x10 @135lbs
Leg Press 1x10 @180lbs 2x15 @140lbs
DB Lunge 2x8 @40lbs 1x8 @body weight
Leg Extension 3x10 @75lbs
Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x8 @95lbs
Leg Curl 1x12 @60lbs 1x10 @75lbs 1x8 @90lbs
Standing Calf Raise 3x10 @90lbs
Seated Calf Raise 3x15 @50lbs
Hanging Leg Raise x 50
Decline Sit Up 3x10
Side Bend 3x10 @45lbs
Full disclosure I have almost always skipped leg days so I am starting light and slow to avoid injury trying to build my leg strength I am looking forward to rapidly increasing these weights.