What a week it has been. Last Friday when I left my job I was determined to get to work. Well, that is exactly what I did. This week I have:
Created my first YouTube Video (Goes live today at 4 PM CST YouTube: JfoMoto)
Chopped that video into 5 short-form videos for other socials. Follow those here:
Wrote three blog posts for this website
Launched the website
Built momentum on LinkedIn
I am soaking in and enjoying every second of this journey. I am actually living in the present instead of worrying about the future or crying about the past.
Now is the time to grab the opportunities on the other side of your fear. Here’s how I did 👇🏻
1. Realize no one is paying that much attention to you.
I bought (10) of the same style and color shirts and wore them every day for months.
Do you know how many people noticed?
Two. Yes, just two, and when I say noticed I mean they said something like “Do you always wear the same color shirt?” Big deal right. You are not in people's spotlight the sooner you realize that the better.
2. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations
I used to be terrified of speaking in public. I could barely stand in front of people I worked with and talked to every single day.
So what did I do? I kept doing it. Over and over. Nothing easy about it but eventually I went from turning into a sunburnt auctioneer in front of people to a somewhat competent speaker.
3. Learn from people already doing what you want to do.
The internet is filled with people already doing the things you want to do. Go learn from them.
See how they are doing it, how hard it was for them at the start. Join their communities and pick their brains (Discord, YouTube, Website, etc.)
I wanted to start a blog and a YouTube channel
(Which I now have 👇🏻)
YouTube: JfoMoto
Is fear holding you back?
Are you going to do something about it?
Outstanding! You’re one of the most driven people I’ve had the honor to meet, I can’t wait to see where this site takes you.